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KMT to Convene Party Congress on Oct. 24th to Reconsider Presidential Candidate


 KMT to Convene Party Congress on Oct. 24th to Reconsider Presidential Candidate  
Source: All Taipei newspapers     October 8, 2015
The KMT Central Standing Committee (CSC) yesterday, at its regular weekly meeting, adopted a motion asking the party central to convene an extraordinary session of the National Party Congress (NPC) on October 24 to reconsider the party’s nominee for Presidency.  Over a hundred of Hung’s supporters gathered outside of the KMT headquarters to protest the party’s plan to replace Hung. Scuffles broke out with the police who cordoned off the entrance of the building.  
According to media reports, KMT Presidential candidate Hung Hsiu-chu would never come to an open break with the KMT party central, would never bolt the party to run as an independent in the 2016 Presidential Election, and would never accept any backroom deal. If the KMT NPC should adopt a resolution to replace Hung, she would accept her fate, according to media reports.        
Hung stated yesterday that she would not take legal action against the party should the KMT NPC adopt a resolution to withdraw her nomination. “I love the KMT very much. I ask for nothing from the KMT. I am not running in the election for personal fame or gain. I am concerned about the future of the nation,” added Hung.    
During yesterday’s CSC meeting, KMT Chairman Eric Chu (朱立倫) called on Hung to consider the overall interests of the party and the nation, saying that “The KMT is a big family. We must face problems together and truly speak our minds. Burying our heads in the sand is not going to solve any problems.”     
Eric Chu stated, “Hung talked about cross-Strait policies on several occasions. However, her remarks were somewhat different from the party’s long-term position, deviating from the mainstream vox populi.”    
Chu denied offering any backroom deal to persuade Hung to withdraw from the Presidential race during his meeting with Hung or Hung’s meeting with KMT Secretary-General Lee Shu-chuan (李四川).    
Chu stated, “Hung is also a very important member of our big family. We will definitely find solutions to our problems if we all can communicate with each other candidly and rationally. Only when we unite in earnest can we face up to the challenges of the 2016 Presidential Election, the KMT’s history and the future of the Republic of China.”   
In a press release yesterday, Hung stated that KMT party central’s decision would bring it to a new predicament, adding that she could not agree with Chu’s remarks that her cross-Strait policies had deviated from the KMT’s long-term position and the mainstream vox populi. 
Hung stated that cross-Strait policies were of great importance to the future of the nation, adding, “If the party central has any doubts about my cross-Strait policies, we should hold a debate on the issue.”   



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