Vanessa Shih Unscathed in Foreign Ministry Report
Vanessa Shih Unscathed in Foreign Ministry Report
Sources: All Taipei newspapers
August 29, 2012
The Control Yuan, the nation’s highest watchdog organ, last month released its investigation report on Vanessa Shih’s (史亞平) conduct during her tenure as ROC representative to Singapore. The report stated that Shih, currently serving as Vice Foreign Minister, had committed “serious dereliction of duty.” The Control Yuan also concluded that Chang Shih-jui (張詩瑞), former political division chief at the Taipei Representative Office in Singapore, violated the Control Act (監察法) for refusing to cooperate with the Control Yuan investigation.
According to media reports on August 28, the Foreign Ministry had acted on the abovementioned investigation report and reported back to the Control Yuan. The Foreign Ministry praised Shih for fulfilling her duties in line with the government’s foreign policy and found no transgressions or derelictions during her tenure as representative to Singapore from January 2009 to February 2012.
The Foreign Ministry’s report was drafted by the East Asian Affairs Department, containing administrative punishments passed by the Foreign Ministry’s Personnel Review Board. Five Foreign Service officers were given administrative punishment. Chang Shih-jui, James Tien (田中光), director-general of the East Asian Affairs Department, and three other officials received various punishments, such as admonition or reprimand, for refusing to cooperate with the Control Yuan or failing to handle official correspondence in a timely fashion.
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