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Vulgarization Is Not a Problem, But Forgetting the Original Motivation of Democracy Is Terrible
Lo Wen-jia, who had just retired completely from the post of DPP secretary-general, was recently interviewed, lamenting that the DPP had become a "vulgarized political party" and no longer the party h ...
2020/07/31 924
The Tsai Gov’t Must Clarify the Clouds of Suspicion over its New Southward Policy
In a speech at the Federation of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Asia, President Tsai said that she would take advantage of Taiwan’s global distribution channels to drive more new business opportuni ...
2020/07/30 842
The Su Cabinet, Only Focusing on Achieving the Goal While Disturbing the People and Squandering Money
To revitalize the "post-pandemic" economy, the government has successively introduced various coupons, but all sorts of chaotic phenomena have appeared. For Taiwan, whose IT industry looks proudly at ...
2020/07/29 820
Abe’s Diplomatic Curve vs. the Tsai Gov’t’s Rigid Straight Line
Just as the Liberal Democratic Party passed a resolution calling for the cancellation of Xi Jinping’s visit to Japan, the Japanese government decided to provide 70 billion yen in subsidies to 87 Japan ...
2020/07/28 831
“Complete Control of Gov’t Is Sure to Corrupt” Is Now Being Staged
President Tsai Ing-wen, who is also the chairwoman of the party, emphasized in her speech at the DPP National Party Congress that some in society wrote the script “Complete Control of Government Is Su ...
2020/07/27 849
Is the Nat’l Plan Only Trying to Tailgate the Three Little Dragons?
The Executive Yuan recently passed the "Four-Year National Development Plan" proposed by the National Development Council. It is estimated that the average economic growth rate in the next four years ...
2020/07/24 814
The Big Internal Propaganda Machinery Cannot Hide the Tsai Gov’t’s Bad Table Manners & Incompetence
The Control Yuan made public the details of the receipts and expenditures of political contributions in the presidential electoral campaign. In the electoral campaign accounting books, both the ruling ...
2020/07/23 802
The Taipei Dome Is About to Resume Work, What Has City Hall Done to Put People at Ease with Public Safety?
After Taipei City Hall issued the construction license for the design modifications, the Taipei Dome, after being suspended for five years, will resume work soon, meaning that it is expected to be com ...
2020/07/22 853
If Unwilling to Be Called "Small Greens", One Has to Conscientiously Oversee the Gov’t
The Tsai administration has just entered the second term of complete control of government, yet it has already produced many unimaginable chaotic phenomena. Whether it is cronyism in personnel arrange ...
2020/07/21 852
DPP Members Are Scrambling to Verify the "Peter Principle"
Chen Chu’s nomination as president of the Control Yuan was scheduled to be reviewed in the Legislative Yuan yesterday. In addition to setting up four tiers of barricades on the outside of the Legislat ...
2020/07/20 820
Administrative Courts Are Surprisingly More Faithful to Independence of the Judiciary than Grand Justices
In April this year, the Ministry of the Interior rescinded the accreditation of the National Women’s League and over forty other political groups on the grounds that they had not been transformed into ...
2020/07/17 826
Foreseeing the Tragic End of a "Sworn Loyalist" of the US
The Trump administration’s China policy has been comprehensively criticized and questioned, and is considered a failed foreign policy. According to a poll conducted by the Pew Research Center in 32 co ...
2020/07/16 1023
Allowing the State and Society to Squander and Waste Is More Serious than Piling Up Debts
Premier Su Tseng-chang ruled on the 9th to prepare a special “Bailout 3.0” budget bill of NT$200 billion, and the Legislative Yuan a week ago had passed a follow-up, four-year budget bill for the Forw ...
2020/07/15 804
How Could the ROC Armed Forces, with Instructors But an Inattentive Following, Cope with the Tense Situation in the Taiwan Strait?
The Chief of General Staff Shen Yi-ming died in a helicopter crash; now six months later, the Marine Corps conducted an amphibious landing drill, resulting in an accident involving the overturning of ...
2020/07/14 975
We Should Take Inciting and Manipulating Wishful Thinking in Hong Kong as a Warning
The "National Security for Hong Kong Act", implemented for a week, has initially achieved the expected results. The principal figures have one after another expressed their stances, clarifying their a ...
2020/07/13 832
Expelling Mainland Reporters, How Stupid It Was!
The DPP government revoked the press cards and visas of Mainland journalists Ai Kezhu and Lu Qiang from the Southeast China Satellite TV on grounds of being involved in activities not in conformity wi ...
2020/07/10 828
For Consultations on Zeroing Party Assets, the DPP and the IGPASC Should Not Put Up Obstacles
The Constitutional Court recently heard oral arguments regarding the statute governing "Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement"; within a month, it will announce the date of promulgating the pertinent con ...
2020/07/09 857
Every Announcement of Bailout Programs Looks Like an Attack on Hard-Working Taxpayers
Holding a long billiard cue, Premier Su Tseng-chang pointed to oversized text on the wall behind him, and explained the government's latest bailout program item by item. All workers holding billboards ...
2020/07/08 826
When the Militants Overwhelmed the Rationals, It Determined the Plight of Hong Kong
The Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress of the Mainland passed the "National Security for Hong Kong Bill", which came into effect immediately that night. Hong Kong SAR status bec ...
2020/07/07 859
Don't Be a Sacrifice Offering in US-China Confrontation
The confrontation between US and Mainland China military aircraft around Taiwan has become a "new normal", and military risks across the Taiwan Strait have risen. Former US National Security Adviser J ...
2020/07/06 851
The Electronic Beast Trap Is Around the Corner: the Digital Development Ministry Is Not What You Thought
The Tsai government is planning the new functions of the National Communications Commission (NCC). One of the plans is to transform it into a "Digital Development Ministry", which will incorporate the ...
2020/07/03 820
When Generator with Rescinded Permit Restarts, It Pokes a Hole in the Lie of Power Supply "Green to the End"
Taiwan’s peak electricity consumption reached a new high this year on the 24th, surpassing 37 million kWh for the first time. That night, the Taipower Company ignored Taichung City Hall’s earlier orde ...
2020/07/02 862
Chen Shih-chung, Why Do You Still Not Stop Performing Shows Now?
People crowded on Kenting Main Street during the Dragon Boat Festival long weekend, and National Expressway No. 5 was fanatically congested for 32 hours. Our countrymen have lost their vigilance again ...
2020/07/01 854
With the Controversy over CY Nominations, the Sound of Fissure in Tsai Ing-wen's Power Fabric Was Heard
The nominations of President Tsai's Control Yuan (CY) made the Blue and Green parties blow their tops at the same time. The Blue camp’s fury was relatively not important, and Huang Chien-ting withdrew ...
2020/06/30 865
The Innuendo of North Korea Blowing Up the Inter-Korea Liaison Office Building
North Korea a couple of days ago, in a move attracting great attention, cut off the North-South Korea military hotline on the grounds that the South Korean government turned a blind eye to North Korea ...
2020/06/29 1009
Huang Chien-ting's Innocence Crashes Against the Green Camp’s Formidable Fortress
President Tsai nominated Chen Chu and Huang Chien-ting as president and vice president of the Control Yuan, respectively. It was originally considered to be a clever "one stone, three birds" strategy; ...
2020/06/24 894
DPP’s Black Holes for Power and Corruption
At the beginning of its establishment, the DPP aimed at overthrowing the KMT’s authoritarian system. Now that there have been three turnovers of ruling parties, it would be normal for democracy to hav ...
2020/06/23 870
With Such a Cabinet, What Difference Would It Make Who Is Deputy Premier?
Chen Chi-mai resigned yesterday as deputy premier, heading south to enter the Kaohsiung City mayoral by-election campaign; Economics Minister Shen Rong-chin has been tapped to fill his vacancy. Chen S ...
2020/06/22 927
Trump's Leadership Question: a President Who Does Not Want to Unite the People
According to historical experience, disasters and epidemics do not necessarily create disadvantages for the rulers, but may instead promote unity of the people across the country and consolidate the l ...
2020/06/19 820
Talking Is More Fun than Fighting in the “Fight-Fight, Talk-Talk” Show Between China and the US
“Fight-fight, talk-talk” is precisely the usual mode for operations in international diplomacy. There have been constant disputes between the US and China in the past three years, and consultations ha ...
2020/06/18 803

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