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The Kuomintang of China was founded by Dr. Sun Yat-sen. It has endured multitude hardships and overcome great threats, leading the nation through revolution and establishing Asia’s first democratic republic.

The course of its long history of renewal can be traced directly back to the Revive China Society, through the Revolutionary Alliance, the Kuomintang, the Chinese Revolutionary Party, to its present guise as the Kuomintang of China.

The party follows the Three Principles of the People and the Five-Power Constitution. It is united in its adherence to the concept of constitutional democracy and seeking a strong, united and prosperous nation.

It is hoped that all members of the Kuomintang maintain the traditional revolutionary spirit of the party in their hearts, acting and moving together.

History of the Party Charter
History of the Party Charter

June 28th 1924

Passed at the First National Congress

June 16th 1926

First revision made at the Second National Congress

March 27th 1929

Second revision made at the Third National Congress

April 1st 1938

Third revision made at an Extraordinary National Congress

March 16th 1945

Fourth revision made at the Sixth National Congress

October 17th 1952

Fifth revision made at the Seventh National Congress

October 17th 1957

Sixth revision made at the Eight National Congress

June 19th 1963

Seventh revision made at the Ninth National Congress

April 4th 1969

Eight revision made at the Tenth National Congress

November 15th 1976

Ninth revision made at the Eleventh National Congress

April 1st 1981

Tenth revision made at the Twelfth National Congress

July 11th 1988

Eleventh revision made at the Thirteenth National Congress

August 17th 1993

Twelfth revision made at the Fourteenth National Congress

August 26th 1997

Thirteenth revision made at the Fifteenth National Congress

June 18th 1999

Fourteenth revision made at an extraordinary session of the Fifteenth National Congress

July 27th 2001

Fifteenth revision made at the Sixteenth National Congress

August 19th 2005

Sixteenth revision made at the Seventeenth National Congress

Chapter 1 General Principles

 Article 1
The Kuomintang of China (hereinafter referred to as “the Party”) is a democratic, just and innovative political party for all the people. The Party is guided by the Three Principles of the People in its objective to build a developed, secure, people-first society in the Taiwan area, and realize a free, democratic Republic of China where every citizen prospers.

Article 2
The Party unites as party members all who believe in the Three Principles of the People, both at home and overseas. It abides by the teachings of late National President, the late Director-General, and the late Chairman Chiang Ching-kuo in its wish to bring about ethnic integration, unite the people, revive Chinese culture, practice democratic constitutional government, oppose communism, oppose separatism, and champion the interests of the Chinese nation.

Article 3
The organizing principle of the Party, whereby party members are the main body and the cadres form its backbone, allows the Party to unite the broad masses of the people, while it implements the spirit of democracy to realize an organized democracy and a disciplined freedom.

Article 4
The style of leadership of the Party enables democratic consensus-building, unites like-minded people with thought, consolidates strength with organization, guides politics with policy, and carries out objectives with positive action.

Article 5
In regard to the operation of the Party:

  • Policy formulation is guided by the Three Principles of the People;
  • Personnel matters are determined by policy;
  • Organization coordinates party members involved in politics;
  • Once policy decisions are made through democratic process, responsibility is given to party members to fully carry them out.

Article 6
In regard to the Party’s relationships with wider society:

  • The Party should always be at one with the people;
  • The Party should always reflect the dynamic of society;
  • The Party should understand the wishes of the people and improve social justice;
  • The Party should bring party policy decisions in line with the public interest.
Chapter 2 Party Membership


Article 7

Any person who upholds the Three Principles of the People and accepts the party charter and by-laws for party members may apply for membership of the Party. Application to membership of the Party must be carried out in accordance with the rules governing application. Once permission from the Party to become a member is granted, party membership is valid. Detailed rules detailing how people become party members shall be set out separately.

For people living on the Chinese mainland, opposition to the communist system, acceptance of the Three Principles of the People, and willingness to strive with the Party for the goal of national reunification are the fundamental prerequisites for members of the Party in spirit. These members of the Party hold the right to make recommendations on reform to the Party.

Article 8
Party members have the following rights:

  1. The right to speak at, propose motions, and vote in party meetings.
  2. The right to elect and be elected to positions within the Party, and the right to vote in a recall election.
  3. The right to receive support from the Party when being nominated by the Party, or gaining permission from the Party to participate in all and any election campaigns.
  4. The right to make recommendations in regard to reform of the Party.
  5. The Party shall give indemnity to party members and their families who suffer injury or death in the course of carrying out party work. Party members or their families have the right to apply for such indemnity.
  6. The Party shall actively support any party member who, in the course of carrying out party work, meets with difficulty resulting in loss of employment or incapacitation as a result of illness.
  7. The Party shall care for party members who are elderly and destitute or who have experienced major emergencies or disasters.

Article 9
Party members have the following obligations:

  1. To promote and uphold the Three Principles of the People; be a strong advocate of the Party; and support the policies of the Party platform.
  2. To attend party meetings; participate in party activities; and pay party membership dues.
  3. To carry out party resolutions; support the party leaders; and abide by party discipline.
  4. To participate in community activities; and be a diligent servant of the people.
  5. To bring together friends of the Party.
  6. To introduce exceptional people to join the Party.
  7. To support candidates nominated by the Party for all elections. In addition, as is stipulated in the rules, party members must pay membership dues in order to exercise their rights as party members.

Article 10

To strengthen party organization, the Party must carry out a rectification of party membership every two years, and a general inspection of party membership every four years. When deemed necessary, a general re-registration of party members may be carried out. The rules of any such general re-registration shall be determined by the Central Committee.

Chapter 3 Organization


Article 11
Structural hierarchy and the ruling bodies of the Party:

  1. At Party Central level: National Congress. When the National Congress is not in session, the Central Committee is the highest ruling body of the Party.
  2. At Special Municipality and county (city) level: Assemblies. When not in session, the committees of these political subdivisions hold authority.
  3. At district level: District party convocation or assembly. When these are not in session, district party committees hold authority. At sub-district level: sub-district party convocation or assembly. When these are not in session, sub-district party committees hold authority. Under these, sub-committees may be set up. Aside from party branches set up at various levels, the Party may set up professional branches, whose structure shall be determined by the Central Committee.

Article 12

The organization and structure of the Party overseas shall be decided by the Central Committee.

Article 13

The organization and structure of the Party on the mainland shall be decided by the Central Committee.

Article 14

In order to carry out important objectives, the Party shall make use of various party branches in an integrated manner. Depending on the work load, the Party may set up caucuses within various organizations, the rules of which shall be determined by the Central Committee.

Chapter 4 The National President (Tsung-li)

 Article 15

The National President of the Party shall be Dr. Sun Yat-sen, founder of the Three Principles of the People and the Five-Power Constitution.

Article 16

Party members shall abide by the teachings of the National President when carrying out Party doctrine.

Article 17

The National President shall be the Chairman of the National Congress.

Article 18

The National President shall be the Chairman of the Central Executive Committee.

Article 19

The National President shall have the power of veto over resolutions adopted by the National Congress.

Article 20

The National President shall have the power of final decision with respect to resolutions adopted by the Central Executive Committee.

The National President died on the 12th of March, 1925. In January 1926, the second National Congress accepted to carry out the will of the National President. This chapter of the charter has been preserved in commemoration of the National President.

Chapter 5 The Director-General


Article 21

There shall be one Director-General of the Party, who shall be elected by the National Congress. The Director-General shall have vested in him the powers of the National President as stipulated in Chapter 4 of the Party Charter.

Director-General Chiang Kai-shek died on the 5th of April, 1975, after carrying on the will of the National President for fifty years by continuing to lead the revolution. On the 28th of April, 1975, an extraordinary plenary session of the tenth Central Committee resolved to accept the will of the Director-General, and proposed that this chapter of the Charter be preserved in commemoration of the Director-General. The proposal was passed in the eleventh National Congress in November 1976.

Chapter 6 The Chairman


Article 22

There shall be one Chairman of the Party, who shall be elected by the entire party membership in an election by secret ballot.

The election for Chairman shall be held in the same year, but three months before, the National Congress is convened, coinciding with the elections for delegates to the National Congress.?

The Party shall have several Vice Chairmen, who shall be nominated by the Chairman and appointed following approval by the National Congress.?

The term of office of the Chairman shall be four years. The Chairman may be re-elected once. The term of office of the Vice Chairmen shall end upon the swearing in of the incoming Chairman.?

Following his election, the Chairman shall be sworn in on the same day the National Congress is convened, and the term of the outgoing Chairman shall end on the same day. The Chairman shall be in charge of overall party affairs, and shall also be the Chairman of the National Congress, the Central Committee and the Standing Committee of the Central Committee (hereinafter referred to as “the Central Standing Committee”). Vice Chairmen shall assist and support the Party Chairman, and shall be ex-officio attendees at the National Congress, the plenary sessions of the Central Committee and the Central Standing Committee.

Should the office of Chairman become vacant, Vice Chairmen shall assume the office of the Chairman in accordance with an order of precedence passed by the National Congress, and the Party shall elect a new Chairman to fill the remaining term of the previous Chairman within three months, in accordance with the stipulations set out in paragraph 1 of this Article. The newly-elected Chairman shall nominate several Vice Chairmen, who shall be appointed following approval by the Central Standing Committee, not withstanding the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article.

Should the office of Chairman become vacant and his remaining term be less than one year, Vice Chairmen shall assume his office and serve the remainder of his term in accordance with an order of precedence passed by the National Congress until the next Chairman is sworn in.

Should the office of any Vice Chairman become vacant while the National Congress is not in session, the Chairman shall nominate a candidate and appoint him following approval by the Central Standing Committee. The appointment shall be presented to the National Congress for retroactive recognition, not withstanding the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article.

The rules governing the election process for Chairman and the nomination and appointment process for Vice Chairmen shall be set out separately.

Chapter 7 The National Congress


Artilce 23

The National Congress is the highest organ of the Party, and is convened by the Central Committee once every other year. The term of office of delegates to the National Congress is four years. The National Congress shall be made up of the following:

   1. Delegates elected from all levels of the Party.
   2. Members of the Central Committee.
   3. Delegates designated by the Central Standing Committee.

Among the delegates elected from all levels of the Party, youth, women, and disadvantaged groups shall make up no less than forty percent of the total number of elected delegates. The number of youth, labor, farmers, fishermen, disabled, and indigenous delegates shall each be no less than five, and the quota of women delegates shall not be less than one quarter of the total number of delegates.? Quota rules governing elections for members of committees and for delegates to assemblies at all other levels shall accord with this Article, except that, youth, labor, farmers, fishermen, indigenous, and disabled delegates shall all number at least one each. Delegates outlined above in sub-paragraphs 2 and 3 shall not make up more than one third of the total number of delegates to the National Congress.
All party members shall be informed two months in advance of the date the National Congress will be convened and of important issues to be discussed. The Central Committee may convene an Extraordinary National Congress if it considers it necessary or when more than half of the special municipality, county (city) committees request it.

Article 24

The responsibilities of the National Congress shall be as follows:

   1. To rectify the Party Charter.
   2. To decide party policy guidelines.
   3. To assess the work of the Central Committee.
   4. To discuss party affairs and political issues.
   5. To approve the appointment of Vice Chairmen nominated by the Party Chairman.
   6. To approve or retroactively recognize members of the Central Advisory Committee nominated by the Party Chairman.
   7. To elect members of the Central Committee.
   8. To elect members of the Central Standing Committee.

To approve presidential and vice presidential candidates nominated by the Party.

Chapter 8 The Central Committee


Article 25

The Central Committee shall have two hundred and ten members, and one hundred and five alternate members, who shall be elected by the National Congress. The rules governing the election process shall be set out separately.

Youth, women, overseas party members, and disadvantaged groups shall make up no less than forty percent of the total number of members of the Central Committee. The number of youth, labor, farmers, fishermen, indigenous, and disabled members elected shall each be no less than three, and the quota of women members elected shall be no less than one quarter of the total number of members of the Central Committee.

Quota rules governing elections for members of special municipality, county (city) committees shall accord with this Article, except that youth, labor, farmers, and fishermen, indigenous, and disabled delegates shall all number at least one each.

Overseas members shall make up no less than four percent of the total number of members of the Central Committee.
The plenary session of the Central Committee shall be convened once each year by the Central Standing Committee. The Central Standing Committee may convene an extraordinary session of the Central Committee if it considers it necessary or when a majority of the members of the Central Committee request it.

The rules governing how the Central Committee is organized shall be determined by the plenary session of the Central Committee.

Regarding elections for members of committees and delegates to assemblies at all other levels for indigenous people referred to in Article 23 and paragraph 3 of this Article, if the indigenous population of special municipalities, or counties (cities) that have no indigenous rural township does not reach a certain percentage of the whole local population, or if the proportion of disabled people in any county (city) does not reach a certain level, then there shall be no requirement for the minimum quota for indigenous or disabled delegates to be followed.

The standard minimum proportions shall be set out by the Central Standing Committee.

Article 26

The responsibilities of the Central Committee shall be as follows:

  1. To carry out resolutions passed by the National Congress, and to represent the Party externally.

  2. To discuss and handle party affairs and political matters.

  3. To organize and direct party committees at all levels.

  4. To nurture and manage party cadres.

  5. To carry out party discipline.

  6. To raise and allocate party finances.

The Central Standing Committee shall carry out the functions of the Central Committee when the Central Committee is not in session, and shall be responsible to the Central Committee.

Article 27

The Central Standing Committee shall have thirty-one members, who shall be elected from among members of the Central Committee by the delegates to the National Congress. The quota of youth, women, and disadvantaged groups shall make up no less than forty percent of the Central Standing Committee, among which, youth, labor, farmers (fishermen), indigenous, and disabled members shall all number at least one each. The total number of women elected shall make up no less than one quarter of the total number of members of the Central Standing Committee.

The rules governing the election process for members of the Central Standing Committee shall be set out separately.

Article 28

The Central Committee shall have one Secretary-General, and either one or two Deputy Secretaries-General. Under the Central Committee, there shall be a Policy Committee, Organization and Development Committee, a Culture and Media Committee, an Administration and Management Committee and two directly subordinate entities: the Institute for National Development and the Party Discipline Committee. Each committee shall have one chairman, whose appointment shall be governed by regulations set out by the Central Committee.

Article 29

The Party shall have several Central Advisory Members. Those members who were appointed by the Director-General shall be members for life; the rest shall be nominated by the Chairman and approved or retroactively recognized by the National Congress. Their responsibilities shall be as follows:

  1. To advise and give recommendations on important issues relating to the Party and nation.
  2. To oversee that Party members act and speak in politics according to the Three Principles of the People and the policy guidelines of the Party.
  3. To oversee serious disciplinary cases.
  4. To advise the Party Chairman.
  5. To oversee party finances.

entral Advisory Members shall carry out their duties in council, and their resolutions shall be handled by the Central Committee by order of the Chairman.

The Central Advisory Committee shall set up a Presidium, which shall include several members who shall preside over meetings of the Central Advisory Committee. The members of the Presidium shall be nominated by the Chairman and approved by the National Congress.

Procedures governing meetings of the Central Advisory Committee shall be set out by the Central Committee.

Chapter 9 Special Municipality and County (City) Committees


Article 30

Assemblies of special municipalities and counties (cities) shall be held once in every three years. There shall be an extraordinary assembly in any of the following events:

  1. It is required by a higher party headquarters.
  2. It is requested by the committees’ own members.
  3. It is requested by the majority of lower party headquarters.
  4. It is requested by over one third of party members of a county (city).

Should it be necessary, assemblies of special municipalities and counties (cities) may be postponed once the respective committees acquire permission from a higher party headquarters.

Article 31

The assemblies of special municipalities and counties (cities) shall have the following responsibilities:

  1. To review the work of the committees at this level.
  2. To decide the guidelines of party affairs within the jurisdiction.
  3. To review the performance of party members in politics and in business at this level.
  4. To deliberate on policy aimed at improving local politics and social development.
  5. To elect members of the committee at this level.

Article 32

The committees of special municipalities and counties (cities) shall have the following responsibilities:

  1. To carry out the directives of the higher-level headquarters and resolutions passed by the assembly at this level.
  2. To organize the party headquarters at this level and be responsible for the design of the party within their jurisdictions and to provide guidance for coordination and assessment matters within their respective jurisdictions of the particular district.
  3. To ensure that party members in politics and in business carry out the policy decisions of the Party.
  4. To reach out and to unite local people from all walks of life; to support the advocacy of the Party and to implement policies of the Party.
  5. To guide and assist party members with social networking, and to promote local development and reform.
  6. To cultivate and manage party cadres within their jurisdiction.
  7. To plan and guide Party candidates running in elections.
  8. To carry out Party discipline.
  9. To raise funds and manage Party finances at this level.

Article 33

The committees of special municipalities and counties (cities) shall have one chairman, who shall be responsible for carrying out Party objectives. In case of necessity, there may be a vice chairman. Both shall be elected from among committee members. Should it be necessary, interim appointments may be made by a higher party headquarters.
Committees of special municipalities and counties (cities) shall have several Advisory Members, who shall be appointed by a higher party headquarters level.
The rules governing the selection process of Advisory Members at these levels shall be set out by the Central Committee.

Chapter 10 District and Sub-District Party Headquarters


Article 34

District party headquarters shall serve to direct party work at the grassroots, and sub-district party headquarters shall serve to carry this out at the grassroots. District and sub-district party headquarters shall hold a convocation of party members once every two years. When necessary, extraordinary convocations may be held. If district or sub-district party headquarters are unable to convene a convocation because party members are too numerous or the district of their jurisdiction is too large, district or sub-district party headquarters may convene an assembly with authorization from a higher party body.

Article 35

The powers and duties assigned to convocations and assemblies of district and sub-district party headquarters shall be as follows:

  1. To review the work of committees under district or sub-district headquarters.
  2. To decide the guiding principles of party work at the grassroots.
  3. To review the performance of party members in politics or in business.
  4. To review and develop political and community work at the grassroots and services for the people.
  5. To elect the party committeemen of the district or sub-district.

Article 36

The powers and duties of committeemen of district and sub-district party headquarters shall be as follows:

  1. To carry out instructions from higher party bodies and resolutions passed by party convocations or assemblies of the district or sub-district.
  2. To set up the party organization within the district or sub-district; to guide and support party activities; to provide services to the community; and to promote social work.
  3. To foster and manage party cadres of the district or sub-district.
  4. To provide training for party members to nurture the character and integrity of individuals and to improve organizational integrity.
  5. To promote the Three Principles of the People; to reflect public concern; to keep abreast of social trends; and to expand the public support basis.
  6. To provide guidance and assistance to party candidates in elections.
  7. To carry out party discipline.
  8. To raise and allocate funds used to carry out party affairs of the district or sub-district.

Each district and sub-district party headquarters shall provide a managing committeeman, elected from among members of the committee, or, when necessary, appointed by higher party bodies, to carry out missions assigned by the Party.

Chapter 11 Cadres and Tenure


Article 37

All party cadres shall observe the Three Principles of the People; implement party policies; bring together party members and the public; and strive to accomplish party objectives.

Article 38

Party cadres shall be made up of “party affairs cadres”, “political affairs cadres” and “social affairs cadres”. Their selection, training, admission process and rules of assessment shall be set out by the Central Committee.

Article 39

To maintain the quality of party membership, each level of the party organization and leadership shall recommend persons of certain talent to the Party, in order that the Party may develop, nurture and utilize their talent. Each level of the Party organization and leadership shall encourage party members to make full use of their skills and to devote themselves to the service of the Party. The rules governing this shall be set out by the Central Committee.

Article 40

Terms of office for members of party committees at different levels shall be as follows:

  1. Members of the Central Standing Committee: one year
  2. Members of the Central Committee: four years
  3. Members of committees at special municipality and county (city) level: three years
  4. Members of district or sub-district committees: two years

Terms of office for alternate members and committee members are the same.
In the event that the re-election of a committee at any level is deferred, the term of office for committee members shall be extended to the date when the next committee is set up.

Under special circumstances, terms of office for committee members of party headquarters shall be determined separately by the Central Committee. In the event of the office of a committeeman at whatever level becomes vacant, an alternate member at that level shall fill the vacant position.

Article 41

When committees at whatever level are in session, alternate members may attend. If any committeeman is absent, alternate members shall take up absent positions and hold temporary voting rights. However, the number of alternate members voting shall not be more than one third of the total number of committee members present.

Chapter 12 Discipline, Awards and Punishment


Article 42

Party members who observe the Three Principles of the People and the Party Charter, adhere to the party platform, obey party resolutions, enhance party interests, uphold party honor, perform well in their duties, and contribute well, shall be awarded by the relevant body in charge. Rules governing this shall be set out separately.

Article 43

Party members who commit any of the following acts shall be considered to have violated party disciplinary rules and shall face disciplinary action:

  1. Violate the Three Principles of the People, the Party Charter, policy platform or any resolution passed by the Party.
  2. Defame the Party’s reputation.
  3. Form a clique within the Party, which leads to the disruption of party unity.
  4. Slander the Party and in doing so harm the Party’s interests.
  5. Become a member of another political party or parties.
  6. Leak important confidential information.
  7. Without the consent and authorization of the party’s Central Standing Committee, accept an offer of a political appointment by a ruling party other than this Party.

Any party member who violates the Organized Crime Prevention Act, Hoodlum Prevention Act, Narcotics Prevention Act, Guns, Ammunition and Knives Control Act, Money Laundering Prevention Act, Corruption Punishment Act, Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act, or incites a riot, uses the threat of forces, or commits election bribery under the Public Officials Election and Recall Act, commits election bribery under the Farmers’ Association Act or Fishermen’s Association Act, commits a sexual crime cited under Article 2 of the Sexual Violations Prevention Act, becomes involved n the sex trade of children or juveniles under the Child and Juvenile Sex Trade Prevention Act, or commits homicide, aggravated injury, robbery, misappropriation, fraud, perjury, blackmail, or kidnapping for ransom under the Criminal Code, having been convicted by a court of justice, whether final or not, shall forfeit the right to take part in the party primary, nor shall he/she be nominated by the party; nor may he/she stand for elections for members of committees or delegates to party assemblies at various party headquarters; These restrictions shall not apply to party members accused of any of the violations listed above but acquitted in a final ruling prior to the holding of primaries or registration for elections.

Article 44

Party members who violate disciplinary rules shall be disciplined accordingly in the following manner:

  1. Receive a reprimand.
  2. Have their party duties suspended.
  3. Be suspended of their party rights and privileges
  4. Have their membership revoked.
  5. Be expelled from the party.

During primary elections for the party chairmanship, committeemen, National Congress and assemblies of all levels, or primary elections for public office, any party member who commits any of the following violations shall be disciplined accordingly in one of the ways stated above. If the violation is serious, he/she shall be disqualified immediately from participating in any election.

  1. Using campaign activities, such as stumping or a signature drive, as a cover to incite a riot, which results in the disruption of election order.
  2. Hindering the election process on purpose; using the threat of violence against workers in the performance of official duties.
  3. Pleading, making deals with, or giving bribes or other improper interests to candidates, or person who are qualified to be candidates to encourage them to give up their election campaign or to engage in certain campaign activities.
  4. Colluding with party members who have voting rights by pleading, making deals, or giving bribes or other improper interests to encourage them not to exercise their voting rights or to exercise their voting rights in a certain way.
  5. Intending to influence the election result of a candidate by spreading rumors or disseminating falsehoods detrimental to the public or others through the use of words, graphics, recording, video images, speeches or any other methods.
  6. Intending to hinder or disrupt voting or vote counting by withholding, destroying, hiding, exchanging or taking away forcefully ballot boxes, ballots, voter registers, voting report cards, tabulated vote counting tally reports, tabulated voting statistics, or instruments used in marking ballots.

Article 45

The words and deeds of elected officials of both the executive and legislative branches as well as political appointees affiliated with this party should serve as a model for the rank and file of the party. The rules regarding the assessment of the aforementioned shall be stipulated by the competent organizations.

Article 46

When party members violate party discipline, the party headquarters to which the party member belongs, or the higher party body shall conduct an inquiry and decide on disciplinary action in a manner prescribed as follows:

  1. Disciplinary action requiring a reprimand shall be carried out after a resolution has been passed by the committee of the party headquarters concerned, or of the higher party body.
  2. Disciplinary action requiring suspension of party duties, or party rights and privileges shall first be decided on by the organization in charge and then forwarded to the Central Discipline Committee for review and execution.
  3. Disciplinary action requiring revoking of party membership shall be executed after a resolution has been passed by the Central Evaluation Committee.
  4. Disciplinary action requiring the expulsion of the party member shall be first decided after a resolution has been passed by the Central Discipline Committee, and then approved by the Central Standing Committee for execution.

Party members who receive disciplinary action may appeal to a higher party headquarters. Rules regarding the reporting, reviewing, appeal and execution of a disciplinary case, and the procedures regarding the reinstatement of party membership, party rights and party duties shall be set out separately.

Article 47
Party headquarters at all level shall set out discipline committees. They shall be responsible for the study and formulation, control, and evaluation of the work of the Party; the supervision, censure and review of disciplinary cases; and the inspection and auditing of Party finances. Members of discipline committees shall be appointed by higher-level party headquarters.

Chapter 13 Funding


Article 48

Party fund-raising shall have the aim of meeting the development needs of the Party, and shall be provided for by membership dues, political contributions, and government grants for election campaigns, with any short fall made up from other sources.

The Party is an integrated association. Its accounting matters, financial management, and administration of assets shall all be governed in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, as well as rules set out by the Central Committee.
Rules governing payment of Party membership dues shall be set out by the Central Committee.

Chapter 14 Supplementary Provisions


Article 49

The National Congress shall hold the right of interpretation over the Party Charter. When the National Congress is not in session, this right belongs to the Central Committee.

Article 50

The National Congress shall hold the right of revision over the Party Charter. Amendments shall be made in one of the following ways:

  1. Whenever one tenth of delegates to the National Congress propose amendments to the Charter, amendments to the Charter shall be valid when ratified by two thirds of delegates present at the session.
  2. Whenever the Central Standing Committee of the Party proposes by resolution amendments to the Charter, the proposals shall be discussed by the National Congress, and the amendments shall be valid when ratified by two thirds of delegates to the National Congress present at the session.
  3. Whenever the Presidium of the National Congress proposes amendments to the Charter, the proposals shall be discussed by the National Congress, and the amendments shall be valid when ratified by two thirds of delegates to the National Congress present at the session.

Article 51

The Party Charter, shall be implemented when passed by the National Congress; the same applies to amendments.

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