News Release
News Release
KMT Cultural and Communications Committee
May 21, 2009
It has been a year since President Ma Ying-jeou was inaugurated last May 20. Over the past year, the Ma administration has pushed new programs on many fronts, including tax reforms and the resumption of dialogues across the Strait. The following is a list of programs carried out by the Ma administration over the past year.
1.Pushing for tax reform, reducing the Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax, and increasing the amount of deductibles on personal income tax.
2.Revising the Tobacco and Liquor Tax Act, making rice wine cheaper.
3.Overall reconstruction of dilapidated bridges on Provincial Roads so as to ensure public safety.
4.Complete renovation of old elementary and middle school buildings.
5.Promoting energy efficiency and carbon reduction policies, reducing power consumption by 3.76 billion watts.
6.Implementing the Labor Insurance Annuity.
7.Implementing the National Annuity System.
8.Implementing the Parental Leave Stipend Policy.
9.Providing National Health Insurance premium subsidies to impoverished households.
10.Resumption of consultations across the Strait.
11.Cross-Strait direct flights and opening up Taiwan to Mainland tourists.
12.Relaxing the cap on investments in the Mainland by Taiwan businessmen; streamlining the review procedures for such investments.
13.Relaxing restrictions on securities investments across the Strait: 1) relaxing listing qualifications for overseas firms; 2) allowing Mainland capital to be invested in Taiwan’s stock markets to a certain degree.
14.Pushing for the normalization of “mini-direct links” in order to develop the economies of outlying islands.
15.Attending the WHA as an observer.
16.Promoting flexible diplomacy and putting an end to Dollar Diplomacy.
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