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Chu: Does DPP Really Want to Return to the Generation of Cross-Strait Confrontations?


 KMT Press Release

Chu: Does DPP Really Want to Return to the Generation of Cross-Strait Confrontations?
KMT Culture and Communications Committee
May 7, 2015
On May 6, KMT Chairman Eric Chu pointed out that a responsible political party or a candidate who wanted to run for President of the Republic of China should propose a concrete cross-Strait policy rather than merely adopting an empty slogan of “maintaining the status quo,” trying to muddle through and must bravely face the next generation.  Chairman Chu stated that through strenuous efforts the two sides of the Strait had already reconciled and maintained peaceful relations, adding that the KMT was ready to lead Taiwan to a generation of enhanced cross-Strait cooperation and win-win situations.  Chairman Chu asked, “Does the DPP really want to take Taiwan back to the generation of cross-Strait confrontations and standoffs?”
Chairman Chu stressed that cross-Strait relations were not merely relations between the KMT and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and we also welcomed the DPP and other political parties to engage in exchanges with the CCP.  Chairman Chu said, “Smearing the exchanges between the KMT and the CCP, and maliciously distorting and taking my statements out of context might win elections, but we cannot afford to lose Taiwan.”  Chairman Chu hoped that as a democratic political party in Taiwan, the KMT, the DPP and all people in Taiwan must work hard, hand in hand, to push for the development of cross-Strait relations.
Chairman Chu stated that the most important objective of his recent visit to the Mainland was to insist on “cooperation and win-win situations in cross-Strait relations,” and if the two sides of the Strait could cooperate in promoting regional peace, environmental protection, and economic development to achieve win-win situations, Taiwan in particular would have more international breathing space to participate in additional international organizations and activities.  Chairman Chu further pointed out that the most important goal was to benefit all people in Taiwan through economic cooperation, such as by joining or participating in RCEP, the AIIB, and the ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative.  Chairman Chu stated that the most important objective of economic cooperation was to benefit all the people in Taiwan.
Chairman Chu added that the achievements made through the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations did not fall from the sky, but were the result of everyone’s hard work.
Chairman Chu emphasized that Taiwan belonged to all of its inhabitants, but Taiwan would not move forward if parties resorted to branding others as pro-Communist, or smearing others and engaging in political struggles, adding that we must bravely face cross-Strait relations.  Chairman Chu stated that the cross-Strait confrontations of the older generation had harmed the interests of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, so he hoped that this generation would insist on the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and that the two sides of the Strait could cooperate to create win-win situations.
Chairman Chu stated that he had anticipated that some people would brand the KMT’s role in talks with the CCP as pro-Communist and attempt to twist and take his statements made on the Mainland out of context, adding that as a responsible political party, the KMT must bravely take responsibility for the people, the next generation, and history.   

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