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Retired Ambassador Loh I-cheng: US and China, Friends or Foes?
China’s President Hu Jintao is scheduled to embark on a state visit to the United States from January 18-21, accompanied by his wife, and the media in both countries will undoubtedly cover the trip do ...
2011/01/18 2700
“Respective Interpretations of the Constitution” Fuzzy and Unnecessary
Frank Hsieh recently proposed replacing the “1992 Consensus” and “One China, Different Interpretations” with the concepts of a “Consensus on Overlapping Interpretations of the Constitution,” and “Resp ...
2011/01/11 2617
Without “1992 Consensus,” Cross-Strait Talks Will Break Down
As the 2012 Presidential election campaign approaches and the DPP mulls adjusting its Mainland policy, debate over cross-Strait policy is taking center stage, which inevitably focuses on the “1992 Con ...
2011/01/05 2268
What Is the “1992 Consensus”?
On January 4, Presidential advisor Stephen Chen wrote an article, saying that the DPP could oppose the “1992 Consensus,” but could not deny the existence of the “1992 Consensus.” Given her status as ...
2011/01/05 2094
Chen's Secret Diplomacy: Real or Phony? --An Issue to Be Reexamined in Retrial
The Supreme Court has ordered the four Chen corruption cases remanded to the lower court for retrial. It has been decided that the collegiate bench headed by High Court Judge Shen Yi-sheng will retry ...
2010/12/20 1924
Maintenance of Status Quo Latest Vox Populi in Taiwan
Recently, I have toured the U.S. West Coast and central China. The United States, a superpower, has ambitions through out the entire world, but is showing signs of decline. A rising China, which enjoy ...
2010/06/23 2672
Distance Between Taipei and Shanghai
Direct flights between Taipei Songshan Airport and Shanghai Hongqiao Airport began yesterday, with Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin leading a large delegation to the Shanghai Expo 2010 for the “Taipei Cultur ...
2010/06/15 2651
“ROC Government in Exile” Is Illogical
if Taiwan had been restored to the ROC since 1945, the ROC government relocating from the Mainland to Taiwan in 1949 could not have been a “government in exile.” If Taiwan had never belonged to the RO ...
2010/06/01 4506
Is Tsai Running for Xinbei Mayor under Government in Exile?
In Taiwan, the Taiwan independence movement is based on two principal theories. One is “Taiwan’s Undetermined Status Theory” and the other is “reinstatement of the rule of the US military government ( ...
2010/05/27 2877
Only Changes to Plebiscite Theme Could TSU Stop ECFA
As one of the people’s rights safeguarded by the Constitution, direct democracy functions to supplement certain inadequacies of representative democracy. However, the Taiwan Solidarity Union’s (TSU) p ...
2010/05/26 2330
Who Will Make Concessions to Taiwan in FTAs?
A cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) is expected to be signed in June. After the cross-Strait ECFA is signed, the government will still have much on its table. First, the gov ...
2010/05/18 1971
Only National Interests Determine US Military Aid
Obviously, Section 3 of TRA shows that any decision on whether or not the US shall dispatch troops to defend Taiwan would be made based on US national interests. In other words, if taking military act ...
2010/05/11 2483
Liberty Times Should Dispel Public Misgivings
Does the Liberty Times have a survey center? It released a photo of a “polling center” a few days ago in an effort to downplay suspicions, but the public’s questions are still on the rise. The public ...
2010/05/06 2090
Rely on Strong Self-Defense, Not US
The debate between President Ma Ying-jeou and DPP Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen on the proposed cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) was concluded on April 25, but informal follow-u ...
2010/05/05 1889
Can Tsai Ing-wen Turn Back the Clock?
Two years ago, Tsai Ing-wen vowed to lead the DPP toward “a new era without Chen Shui-bian.” However, right after losing an ECFA debate with President Ma, Tsai started to play the same trick by attemp ...
2010/05/04 2050
Other Nations Will Seek FTAs with Taiwan after ECFA Inked
In this era of globalization and regional economic integration, there is no doubt that it would be in Taiwan’s best interest to conclude free trade agreements (FTA) with other countries, especially th ...
2010/04/29 1987
Appointing Sergeant-at-Arms in Legislature to Prevent Taiwan from Being Disgraced
All signs indicate that the DPP has lost leverage in their massive protests against closer economic ties with the Mainland after the ECFA debate between President Ma Ying-jeou and DPP Chairperson Tsai ...
2010/04/28 1939
President Ma Wins ECFA Debate, But Chairwoman Tsai Consolidates Her Position
Last Sunday from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., many people in Taiwan turned on their TV sets to watch the ECFA debate between President Ma Ying-jeou and DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen. The host of the debate had ...
2010/04/28 1928
Who Won the “Ma-Tsai” Debate? The People Yearn to Be the True Winners
The ECFA debate between President Ma Ying-jeou and DPP Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen ended without fanfare. There is a Chinese saying that might be paraphrased as “a wise man sees the forest while most se ...
2010/04/27 2008
What’s the DPP’s Alternative to ECFA?
To be honest, signing an ECFA with the Mainland has both advantages and disadvantages. Looking with open eyes at the global economic and trade trends and the current cross-Strait economic and trade ti ...
2010/04/22 2895
Taiwan Is Taiwan, Finland Is Finland
In the latest issue of "Foreign Affairs," American scholar Bruce Gilley wrote that since the Ma administration came to power, its policy of reconciliation with the Mainland has led Taiwan down the roa ...
2010/01/14 2530
A United States No Longer Certain and in Search of a Pretext
We are now hearing about "Taiwan's Finlandization" in mainstream academic journals, about Washington's readiness to "abandon Taipei and cozy up to Beijing," about "unburdening ourselves of Taipei and ...
2010/01/14 2150
A travesty of democracy
More than four million voters went to the polls yesterday to elect 17 mayors and magistrates, 592 city and county councilors, and 211 township and village chiefs. What were billed as the all-importan ...
2009/12/09 2390
KMT Humbled by Turnout Rate, Not DPP
Generally speaking, the result of the 2009 local elections, i.e., KMT 12: DPP 4: Independent 1, still lived up to the KMT’s expectations, though not satisfactory. However, it was definitely a warning ...
2009/12/07 2930
What Lien Chan Did for Taipei Bid for WHA Participation
What Lien Chan Did for Taipei Bid for WHA Participation Joe Hung May 4, 2009 Tsai Ing-wen was a pretty good chairwoman of the Mainland Affairs Council while President Chen Shui-bian served his first t ...
2009/05/05 2865
The Foreign and Cross-Strait Policies of the New Administration
The Foreign and Cross-Strait Policies of the New Administration In the Republic of ChinaA Speech Delivered at the Chatham House, London By Ambassador Stephen S. F. Chen 8 December 2008Mr. Chairman, La ...
2008/12/17 2955
A Clarification on the Security Arrangement during the Visit of Mr. Chen Yunlin
National Police AgencyA Clarification on the Security Arrangement during the Visit of Mr. Chen Yunlin (Chairman of the Association for Relations across the Taiwan Strait) and Other Delegates to Taiwan ...
2008/12/05 2497
Issues Regarding the Detention of Former President Chen Shui-bian as a Criminal Defendant
Ministry of JusticeIssues Regarding the Detention of Former President Chen Shui-bian as a Criminal Defendant1.Is the pretrial detention of the defendant violating his human rights? The question that s ...
2008/12/05 2524
How Many “Firsts” Has Ah-bian Achieved in the Last Eight Years?
How Many “Firsts” Has Ah-bian Achieved in the Last Eight Years?Sources: United Daily NewsMay 19, 2008“I am number one?”President Chen Shui-bian will step down tomorrow. During his eight years, or 2,92 ...
2008/05/27 3091
Mutual Trust First, Diplomatic Affairs Second
Mutual Trust First, Diplomatic Affairs Second(A Commentary - By Edward Chen)Source: United Daily News (Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.)May 12, 2008President-elect Ma Ying-jeou said the recent Taiwan-Papua New ...
2008/05/12 2889

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